Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning Management Systems (LMS) paradigm as defined by Paris Avgeriou are "specialized Learning Technology Systems (IEEE LTSC, 2001a), based on the state-of-the-art Internet and WWW technologies in order to provide education and training following the open and distance learning". Most learning management systems have three types of user. First type is the student, second type is the teachers/tutor and the third type of user is the administrator. Over the years it has been seen that for the best delivery of the courseware every learning management system should have the following features;
􀂃 The ability to include text, documents, files of many types including Office, audio, video, and images
􀂃 A grade book
􀂃 The ability to insert links of various resources, both internet and intranet
􀂃 A section for the FAQs

Another important feature in imparting education from the academic point of view is the process of assignments. I believe that assignments are very important mode of imparting education to the students as it force them to utilize their knowledge in solving various problems, and in return their efforts are assessed and graded. The LMS has the facility to allow students to view the assignment statements given to them, see the marked assignments. i.e. the assignments are graded and commented by the teacher and are uploaded so that students may learn from their mistakes. They can also view the marks they score in each assignmen and the general comments made about solution provided by the students. After the assignment’s due date, the teaching faculty, upload its solution on LMS, so that students may learn the best possible way of solving the given problem.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A learning management system (LMS) is software for delivering, tracking and managing training. LMSs range from systems for managing training records to software for distributing courses over the Internet and offering features for online collaboration. In many instances, corporate training departments purchase LMSs to automate record-keeping as well as the registration of employees for classroom and online courses. Student self-service (e.g., self-registration on instructor-led training), training workflow (e.g., user notification, manager approval, wait-list management), the provision of on-line learning (e.g., Computer-Based Training, read & understand), on-line assessment, management of continuous professional education (CPE), collaborative learning (e.g., application sharing, discussion threads), and training resource management (e.g., instructors, facilities, equipment), are dimensions to Learning Management Systems.Most LMSs are web-based to facilitate access to learning content and administration. LMSs are used by regulated industries (e.g. financial services and biopharma) for compliance training

Learning Management System Features

NEW! Student progress tracking and controls.
NEW! Enhanced exam retake options.
Easy online exams and quizzes. Very powerful exam system.
Automatically generates customizable certificates for passing an exam
Certificates are PDF FILES* (or HTML) that can be saved and printed.
Easy content editing through your browser. No downloads required for instructors or students.
Visual hierarchical outline building tool
Designed to be used by non-technical people. No knowledge of HTML or programming needed
Browser based WYSIWYG content editing
Content can also include multimedia (e.g. Flash, Windows Media), PDF and PowerPoint presentations.
Built-in discussion forums
100% Browser based. Platform independent. Works in Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, and Firefox
Supports credit card processing for student registration
Very cost effective, flexible and customizable
All courses, content, exams, etc. are password protected and require registration for access
Registration system supports credit card transactionsOur browser-based, WYSIWYG HTML editor allows course content pages to be edited without any other software. Instructors can create rich, well-formatted web pages without any knowledge of HTML or FTP. For those who desire, web pages can be uploaded from other HTML editing applications. The look and feel of each course is determined by preset templates. Changing a template will instantly change a course's fonts, colors, and other display attributes. Custom settings can be set by entering style tags.

Online Exam and Quiz Software

Each course has a built-in database for exam questions. Instructors load the questions into the database then create exams and quizzes based on them. The exams and questions can be edited, deleted, and re-used anytime for a quick feature rich online examination system. Features include:
Questions can be multiple choice, true/false, short answer (fill in the blank), multiple answer (checkboxes), and essay.
Exams can be timed or untimed.
The system can automatically create exams by randomly choosing questions from your exam question database.
The system will randomly order the questions for each student.
Exams can be turned on or off and have a date range for each exam.
Multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions are automatically graded.
Detailed score report breaks down student responses by category.
Students get instant results on automatically graded exams.
Students and instructors get instant results via e-mail.
For each question you can enter feedback that the student will get when reviewing the exam.
Control review options: review correct, incorrect, both, or neither.
Allow students to retake exams, limit total attempts and cap retake scores.
Automatically generates a numbered certificate of completion on successfully passing an exam. You customize the certificate.
The Certificate is a PDF file that can be customized in any way.
Instructors can "manually" grade and rescore an exam if necessary.
Exams are taken through the browser and requires no downloads or plugins.

Learning Managment System(continued)

Advanced Content Management

Our exclusive outline builder lets content experts create hierarchical outlines. Topics are presented to the student in a "tree-view" style hyperlinked and easy to understand outline.
CourseWebs contains a powerful content management system that lets the instructor quickly design and author course content. The content manager is built around an outline builder which easily creates hierarchical outlines. All of the content for this site can be edited in any browser
With each course you get complete control of the look and feel of your content. The 100% browser based interface allows courses to be constructed by and delivered to any computer connected to the internet. The course outliner tool lets you quickly enter course content into a hierarchical outline.
The outline consists of main topics, sub-topics, sub-sub-topics, etc.
Built in navigation on the student sides saves hours of course development time.
All content can be edited in the browser-based WYSIWYG editor using Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, and Netscape browsers.
No knowledge of HTML is required, however content can be pasted from HTML editors and word processors.
The look and feel (fonts, colors, etc.) of the entire course can be changed instantly using pre-defined templates. Or, specific settings can be entered for each course.
Advanced Content Editor

The WYSIWYG content editor lets instructors create rich presentations without any knowledge of HTML. Creating and formatting pages is as easy as using a word processor. Graphics and multimedia files can be uploaded directly from the browser without using any FTP programs. The editor makes it easy to insert multimedia files such as images, movies, sounds, Flash animations and more. Course content can also include pre-built presentations such as PowerPoint.
File Manager
The file manager lets instructors upload their own files to the server for students to access. These can be html files, application files (Word, Excel, etc.) or multimedia files such as images or movies (avi, RealVideo, Flash, etc.) The file manager lets the instructor create folders and upload
files through their browser without using any FTP software.
Discussion Forums
Unlimited number of forums.
Forums can be moderated.
Instructors can edit or delete posts and forums.
Advanced searching of posts.
Automatically e-mail notification when someone responds to a post.