Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning Management Systems (LMS) paradigm as defined by Paris Avgeriou are "specialized Learning Technology Systems (IEEE LTSC, 2001a), based on the state-of-the-art Internet and WWW technologies in order to provide education and training following the open and distance learning". Most learning management systems have three types of user. First type is the student, second type is the teachers/tutor and the third type of user is the administrator. Over the years it has been seen that for the best delivery of the courseware every learning management system should have the following features;
􀂃 The ability to include text, documents, files of many types including Office, audio, video, and images
􀂃 A grade book
􀂃 The ability to insert links of various resources, both internet and intranet
􀂃 A section for the FAQs

Another important feature in imparting education from the academic point of view is the process of assignments. I believe that assignments are very important mode of imparting education to the students as it force them to utilize their knowledge in solving various problems, and in return their efforts are assessed and graded. The LMS has the facility to allow students to view the assignment statements given to them, see the marked assignments. i.e. the assignments are graded and commented by the teacher and are uploaded so that students may learn from their mistakes. They can also view the marks they score in each assignmen and the general comments made about solution provided by the students. After the assignment’s due date, the teaching faculty, upload its solution on LMS, so that students may learn the best possible way of solving the given problem.

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