Friday, March 13, 2009

Guide to Performance Management

This Guide to Performance Management has been produced and published by the UCSD Human Resources Department. It is intended for anyone who manages the performance of others. Whether you are a first-time work leader or an experienced supervisor, manager, program director or
department chair, this Guide will provide you with useful information and step-bystep guidelines about the performance management process. You are involved in performance management when you:
• establish specific job assignments
• write job descriptions assign responsibility for strategic initiatives develop and
apply performance standards
• discuss job performance with the employee and provide feedback on strengths
and improvements needed
• conduct an annual performance evaluation
• plan for improved performance and employee development goals.
This Guide will help you and those whose performance you manage to plan for results
which will meet or exceed your expectations. You will learn how to work
collaboratively with your employees to:
• identify and describe the employee's essential job functions in support of the
mission of the organization
• identify and define strategic initiatives appropriate to the employee's essential
functions which support the goals of the organization
• develop realistic and appropriate performance standards
• give and receive helpful behavioral feedback about performance
• write and deliver constructive performance evaluations
• plan education and development opportunities to sustain, improve or build on
current performance.
If you have questions, or if you have not managed work performance before, we
recommend that you:
• read the personnel policies and procedures concerning your employees
• contact the Human Resources Generalist for your area at the Medical Center
• consult the Human Resources representative in your campus department
• consult the Employee Relations consultant for your campus department
• Enroll in the performance management-related courses offered by Staff
Education and Development on campus.

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