Friday, March 13, 2009

Strengthening Organizational Culture

Embedding Organizational Culture

􀂃 Formal statements of
organizational philosophy,
mission, vision, values,
and materials used for
recruiting, selection and
􀂃 The design of physical
space, work environments,
and buildings
􀂃 Slogans, language, and
􀂃 Deliberate role modeling, training programs, teaching and coaching by managers and
􀂃 Explicit rewards, status symbols (e.g., titles), and promotion criteria
􀂃 Stories, legends, and myths about key people and events
􀂃 The organizational activities, processes, or outcomes that leaders pay attention to, measure,
and control
􀂃 Leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises
􀂃 The workflow and organizational structure
􀂃 Organizational systems and procedures
􀂃 Organizational goals and the associated criteria used for recruitment, selection,
development, promotion, layoffs, and retirement of people
How to Change a Culture
􀂃 If the culture no longer supports the goals and strategy of an organization, it should be
􀂃 Mergers and acquisitions generally result in a change in culture.
Requirements for Successfully Changing Organizational Culture
􀂃 Understand the old culture first.
􀂃 Support employees and teams who have ideas for a better culture and are willing to act on
those ideas.
􀂃 Find the most effective subculture in the organization and use it as a model.
􀂃 Help employees and teams do their jobs more effectively.
􀂃 Use the vision of a new culture as a guide for change.
􀂃 Recognize that significant cultural change takes time.

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