Friday, March 13, 2009


• Recruit
• Interview… behavioural questions
• Assessments… job requirements
• Reference Checks… a must… connect to interview results.
• The Offer… put it in writing!
• Soft Skills …
• Hard Skills …
• On the Job…
• Continuous Learning…
Learning and high-performance cultures
• Uncertainty highlights the importance of organizational learning.
• High-performance organizations are designed for organizational learning.
• A learning organization has a culture that values human capital and invigorates learning for
performance enhancement.
Performance Standards
• SMART Objectives:
• Connected to the role description
Measuring Performance
• 360° Feedback
• Quality Evaluations
• Internal/External Customer Surveys
• Observation and Self-Assessment
• Remember: be SMART in your evaluation
Day-to-Day Management
• An open, ongoing conversation
• Timely acknowledgement of good work and/or performance deficiencies
• Be available… observe your reports in role… be open to learning and sharing.
• Documentation
Formal Reviews
• Set a schedule and follow it through!
• Be consistent… consider the whole time horizon… be specific.
• Tools: role description, Self-Assessment, draft Supervisory Assessment
• Documentation
The Performance Conversation Purpose:
To exchange information, review standards, discuss outcomes (successes and challenges),
acknowledgement, renew commitment/get agreement, set new objectives
• Allow both parties sufficient time to prepare and reflect
• Conduct a full investigation prior to making any decisions
• Document, document, document
• Talk to the employee in private
• Take nothing for granted
• Do not make accusations or lay blame
• Focus on the issue and the behavior – not the person
• Determine the cause of the behaviour
• Make performance expectations and priorities clear.
• Help employees to solve problems.
• Teach new skills.
• Promote growth and development.
• Give constructive feedback.
• Give ongoing positive recognition.
• Hold employee accountable.
• Listen for the real problem.
• Develop a plan to correct problem.
• Help the person consider options.
Rewarding Good Performance
• Recognition & Appreciation
• Job Enlargement / Enrichment
• Project Assignments
• Advancement
• Investment (Compensation, Training)
Correcting Poor Performance
• Describe unsatisfactory performance. Be specific.
• Describe the impact of that performance/behavior (on the organization, coworkers, division
– safety, costs, efficiency, morale).
• Describe expected performance (use SMART objectives).
• Make the employee aware of what the consequences will be if the performance has not
• Establish the social contract. Ask for commitment.
• Involve the employee where possible in the action plan.
• Offer help and support.
It’s Worth the Investment…
Organizational Benefits… consistent, equitable, early intervention, better morale
Supervisory Benefits… acknowledge good work, nip problems in the bud, team building, and retention
Employee Benefits… individuals and colleagues know that they will be held accountable and are
valuable to the organization.
• HR, Training, Safety
• Document, Document, Document.
EPM Supports Best Practices
• Successful organizations use EPM tools to support alignment and results
• Consistent EPM helps decrease workplace stress and uncertainty
• EPM helps contribute to satisfaction and commitment
• EPM enhances personal accountability

Final Thoughts
“If a group of people is to become a social entity and work (or live) together over time then they must:
Trust one another, demonstrate courage, treat each other with fairness, respect, dignity and love, and be
honest with one another.” - Dr. Ian Macdonald

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